New Zealand's South Island
Touring through iconic scenery
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South Island Tours

10 to 14 day customisable itineraries

New Zealand's South Island is something to enjoy, with Milford Sound, Mt Cook, the West Coast and Queenstown all on one island a 10-14 Day trip will allow you to immerse yourself in beauty, get away from the real" world or even pump you full of more adrenaline than ever before. This Island is not to be overlooked when you think about your next holiday.

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Nearly all our guests customise our tour ideas. That's what we do! Our expert team of New Zealand specialists can design a holiday itinerary to suit you perfectly. A tailor made package can be created for you in no time and doesn't cost you any more than one of our 'off the shelf' ideas. So get in touch with the team today to start your plans.